
๐Ÿ˜ฒAttention Instagram Followers Apps/Bot can ha** 2022

Do you Use Instagram Followers Apps/Bot to Get followers,If Yes So Your Account Gonna Be Hacked..... Don,t Use instagram Followers Apps

If you want to be instafamous you definitely want to get free followers on your Instagram and to get your followers sometimes you go to different websites applications and Instagram both also but you don't know about them how they work how they can harm you 2022.

Saturday I am going to share with you is using Instagram bot or application to get followers on Instagram is safe or not.
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If you used anything to get followers on Instagram you definitely have to fill your username and password also but just think about it if I ask you for your Instagram username and password will you give this to me,definitely no but you don't think when you use Instagram both or application to get followers on Instagram he gave them your total account to in there hands and they can use your account as they want means you are hacked and you don't know even you gave your account to someone else yourself.
Lets try to know how they works?

First of all to use Instagram follower app how to use Instagram vote you need to sign up with here Instagram username and password and when you do that they access your all details from your account and you can check your profile on that application or if you are using the boat also.

These applications axis your Instagram and they start following others with your account in returns you will also get followers.
Thats how these application & bots works.

I know once i used an instagram followers app i get 400 followers with that but after some days when i checked my prifile i found that there are 700 people followed by me even i dont followed them.
Then i asked to my cusion brother he described me how this happens.

How to be Safe?
If you use that application already or if you want to know how you can save your account to be hacked so follow these steps i highly recommend you.

1. Never use Instagram followers app or what to get instant followers for free.
2. Don't give your username and password of Instagram to anyone even if they give you a bunch of followers.
3. If you are using that type of application change your password to or three times right now it could save your account a little bit but not totally but yeah it works.
4. If you want to use this type of boats and applications use always of fake Instagram account that you can create by a temporary mail easily.

If you still think that these websites and boards is really helpful and can give you free followers so it's totally on you go ahead but I will never ever recommend this to use that's all.
Shubham Bhardwaj

My self Shubham Bhardwaj. I'm a Freelancer, Content Writer, Blogger & having a YouTube Channel with 2k Subscribers.

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